
Sharing the Reform Process
This publication has been possible due to the support and efforts of various organizations and people. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland for supporting the Mekong Water Dialogues; PPWSA and all its staff members for spending precious time sharing details about their works; IUCN-Asia Regional and Cambodia Office especially to Michael Dougherty, Robert Mather, Sarah Turner, Kim Kong Sreng, Sum Touch and Lisa B Idris. A special thanks to Theavy Keo for helping with interviews in Phnom Penh. Photographs for this publication were contributed by Ganesh Panagare, Binayak Das and PPWSA.

Human beings, animals and the whole of nature truly need water. In this regard, water is clearly a special part of the planet and our lives. Based on this understanding, each and every state is constantly trying to build an infrastructure system in order to control and supply water resources to meet its people's needs in their everyday lives and for the development of agriculture and productivity.

The Khmer Angkor Empire actually tried very hard to build a water resource infrastructure system for the development of agriculture, leading to Khmer society in that period experiencing prosperity and glory. Of course, the irrigation system, including reservoirs and canals, not only enabled the Khmer in the Angkor Period to produce enormous rice yields to supply the people living in the vast Angkor Empire at that time, but also created a basis for the effective control of water resources.
